Friday, March 23, 2007

Pico Turquino

Habana 3/23 -- Francis Milian, Jorge's father, has called. It turns out he is not quite so immune to the changing face of Cuba as he professed earlier this morning. He wants to know if anything is going on in the capital city. He wants to know if there is any danger of the revolution being derailed. He wants to know if he has spent his entire life in the service of a dying cause.

He reminisces about the days when the early revolutionaries sought refuge in the Sierra Maestre mountains in eastern Cuba. It was the most important time of his life, he says. "We were young and full of spit and vinegar. We had seen the dawning of a new world, a new civilization. We had all read Shakespeare's The Tempest, and we realized that modern societies must be built on equality and justice and science and reason, not on greed and superstition and privileges for the elite."

He falls silent. "Have you ever seen the sun rise over Pico Turquino," he asks rhetorically.

By the way, Jorge is home safely, still nursing a bit of a hangover.

havana hombre

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